Annie: Skins Analysis

We’ve got 8 skins to go through for Annie, so let’s get right into it. Annie’s title is “the dark child”, so this skin seems to make at least some sense to me. Since her lore calls actual Tibbers a shadow bear, it would seem to make sense that he would be a bit more… […]

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Annie: The Dark Child

I’m going to ignore the existence of Annie’s very first splash art because it’s just awful, so we’re going to start the Dark Child off with her updated classic art. Have you guys seen Tibbers around anywhere? Oh, there he is. In what looks like a disgusting dirt cave with a toy Corki hanging from […]

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Alistar: Skins Analysis

Are you ready for more Alistar design analysis? Of course you are, I don’t even need to ask. It’s a recolor! Not much to analyze here – it’s Alistar, but black. With yellow eyes. Like a big black cat-cow. Well wouldja look at that, another recolor. His cow-skirt looks a little cooler in this one though, I […]

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Alistar: The Minotaur

If I’m gonna undertake this challenge, I’m gonna start at the beginning. No skipping boring or outdated champions, no focusing on a certain role or style. I’m going to look at every champion and analyze their design and skins in some way or another.  No telling yet whether I’ll do each champion and all of their skins […]

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