Blood Moon Zilean: PBE Preview!

I’ve gotten really excited about these new skins and my ability to check them out in PBE stages, so let’s get rolling with another one: Blood Moon Zilean!

I took some time to configure my game for better viewing of the character details, and made some gifs for you guys!

Design Overview

Blood Moon Zilean Blood Moon Zilean

How cool is this clock??? I’m loving the design – the spinning crescent moon from the front and the design and glowing blood moon from the back. His outfit, along with the other blood moon themed skins, is colorful and detailed with some pretty gold designs (plus it’s purple and I love purple). Zilean must have some hardcore upper body strength to be able to keep his arms up like that all game. And look at that HAIR. But wait, it gets better.



Blood Moon Zilean Recall


Apparently Zilean’s moon clock doubles as an awesome sounding gong that changes pitch with the position of the crescent moon, complete with some cool metal clanging animations (you can see the clock actually move when he hits it).


Q: Time Bomb / W: Rewind

Blood Moon Zilean

Here we’ve got a single time bomb, with a new animation that is entirely too clever. A shadow resembling some phases of the moon rolls across the aoe circle of the bomb before exploding and amplifying the color of the design on the top of the circle. The bombs themselves don’t really look like bombs, but they do look pretty cool nonetheless. His attack animations are a deep red color which goes nicely with the theme as well.

Blood Moon Zilean


Here we have a Q-W-Q combo, where the W animation is a wash of red particle effects that cover Zilean. The double bomb animation isn’t much different than a single bomb, except that it looks like there’s a little blue shockwave particle effect when the second bomb hits and stuns the targets in the aoe.

E: Time Warp

Blood Moon Zilean E

Yay purple! Time Warp for this skin has no icon over Zilean’s head, but is just a kind of swirly purple particle effect. It’s definitely more subtle than the original animation.

R: Chronoshift

Blood Moon Zilean Ult

Zilean v. the Dragon: Battle of the Century! Blood Moon Zilean’s Chronoshift surrounds him or an ally with deep red twirling hourglasses and tints the screen with white rather than gold. Upon death and resurrection, a burst of red light comes from the Chronoshifted target.

I love the design of this skin; it’s beautiful and clever (that Q animation tho), which is everything I like about skin designs. What are your thoughts? Favorite Blood Moon bot lane combination?

Featured image from NewsofLegends

2 thoughts on “Blood Moon Zilean: PBE Preview!

  1. The time bomb looks awesome, and a great subtle way to communicate when the bomb is going to go off rather than to have it where there is a bright red number counting down.

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