Jax: Fan Creations

I’m actually surprised at the art I’ve found for Jax; some people have taken this champion to a whole other level!

Jax by Artsed

Jax….cute?? I didn’t think it was possible, but this is adorable. This kind of makes me wish that his mask was actually a Daft Punk LED helmet that would change to different emoticons based on his mood… DJ Jax anyone? I just wanted to start off with this one as an interpretation that we don’t usually get to see.

Jax by Neo-TK

There’s the Jax we normally think of; this looks like a scene straight out of Samurai Champloo. Various weapons litter the floor along with the bodies of what look to be the dead and the dying. This must be from Jax’s mercenary days. It takes his classic design and makes it look a lot less ridiculous. Even though it keeps the weird swirly things on his hands and feet, he looks entirely calm. He’s stance holds some serious power, which is of course entirely in character. Somehow his lamppost remains undamaged through battle (he’s just that good). Someone draw me a Vi fanart like this pls.

Temple Jax by jpm1023

I really love this style, and it’s an interesting take on the whole using in-game items as actual weapons thing. Looks like he’s got at least a hextech gunblade and a zephyr in addition to his…whatever his lamppost turns into for this skin. Looks like a strange halberd-ax-type thing? Anyway, this graphic-novely style is awesome, and Jax is SUPER BUFF, somehow without being sexualized in any way. Wonder why that is. Props to the artist to be able to stay true to Riot’s design but somehow make it look way cooler.

Jax by Badpolygon

There aren’t many entirely new re-skins of Jax at this quality, but holy moly this looks cool. His eyes don’t look cartoonish anymore, and even the weird design is incorporated into his armor without making it look entirely silly. He’s got heavier armor as opposed to the cloth stuff we’re used to, and there’s a couple of decorative touches like the scarf, collar (instead of hood), and whatever those three little dangly things are covering his crotch. This artist took out most of the goofiness that I found so strange in the original design of Jax and made him into a legitimately intimidating character. You can tell that he doesn’t even need that lamppost to beat the hell out of you, which I think is awesome.

Which of these is your favorite? Do you have any other Jax art you love and want to share? Do so in the comments!

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