Forsaken Jayce: PBE Preview!

Sorry for the post delay folks! My internet has been down for about the past week, but Forsaken Jayce’s preview has finally arrived!

Design Overview

Forsaken Jayce

Forsaken Jayce

Forsaken Jayce

I’m not entirely sure what theme they were going for here. Forsaken = black and red and angry I guess? It seems like kind of an “evil” version of Jayce, I guess. He’s got some pokeball/”don’t do this” looking symbols on his armor, and really fancy glowy particle effects on his weapon. He’s wearing a long black coat and the typical one shoulder has more armor than the other look, which is probably to keep from restricting the movement of his left shoulder when he swings the hammer around. It’s hard to see most of the hammer design through the particle effects, but there’s a bright red circle in the center of it.



Forsaken Jayce

I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought Sith when they saw this recall. Whether you’re in hammer stance or not, the animation changes it back to hammer. He smashes his hammer into the ground before dramatically levitating it and launching it into the sky. He then lands back in the fountain with hammer in hand. He’s gotta have one hell of an arm.

R: Transform

Forsaken Jayce

The transformation from hammer to cannon shows a small change in particle effect. Instead of full bright red, there’s a little more purple in the effect now, and the symbol on Jayce’s shoulder glows as well while you’re in cannon mode. The transformation is accompanied by a little shockwave of color.

Hammer Stance (Q/W/E)

Forsaken Jayce

Here we have all of the hammer stance abilities. He leaps then smashes the ground with a cracked red effect on the ground for the Q. For his W it’s the same as usual but with a red swirling effect instead of blue and lightning-y. There’s a small red burst effect when he uses his E on a target. Pretty standard stuff!

Cannon Stance

Q: Shock Blast

Forsaken Jayce

The normal shock blast has a pretty cool animation. Like the other recent skins, there’s a glowy multicolored particle effect which then explodes into a dark orb of energy. The color is a mixture of purple and different tones of red.

Forsaken Jayce

This animation is pretty much the same as the normal one; the missle just flies a bit longer and explodes into a bigger energy ball. In my opinion it would have been pretty cool to add a little bit more blue into the animation from the acceleration gate.

W: Hyper Charge

Forsaken Jayce

When you activate your W, a little lightning effect shows up on the shaft of the cannon. Then the next three attacks are accompanied by a red blast effect from the end of the cannon and an elongated energy effects for the basic attacks. It’s a subtle animation change, but I like it!

E: Acceleration Gate

Forsaken Jayce

Here’s another of Riot’s new favorite multicolored swirling, twisting energy particle effects. The gate itself is pretty cool looking, but the effect around units is just a subtle bluish/purplish swirl.

To me, this skin isn’t as impressive as the other three that are coming out with it. It’s not particularly clever, and thematically it’s not really as interesting. The coolest animation of the bunch is probably the recall. I do like the shock blasts, but this skin is mostly Jayce with fancy red particle effects. Maybe I’m biased, because I really love Risen Fidd, Master Arcanist Ziggs, and Blood Moon Zilean..

What do you guys think?

4 thoughts on “Forsaken Jayce: PBE Preview!

  1. Yeah, imo it doesn’t have much umph to it. It’s a concept that doesn’t fit with his lore all that much and doesn’t seem unified. If they were doing a total Sith Ripoff I think it would be better than this because this looks like that was the idea but they didn’t go for it say like Grungy NuNu where it was a fun rip off. This seems like someone said “hey let’s make an Evil Jayce skin” and that’s all they did.

    1. I totally agree. And even skins like Risen Fidd and Blood Moon Zil seem more cleverly executed without being tied explicitly to the characters.

  2. I do think they went for a sith look due to the name “forsaken” sometimes used with sith types in some star wars games. I think they should have made the theam a little easier to point out but overall I think it looks pretty cool. The splash art sells it.

    1. Yeah I was talking to a friend and he said he’d buy it just for the red particle effects and shockblasts. I don’t play Jayce, so that may be why I’m less interested.

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