About the Author

Sarah Rybak

Hi all! Welcome to the Champion Tribunal: I’m your author, editor, and all around content compiler, Sarah. I played my first game of League in high school and didn’t find it appealing, then a year or two later I was guilted into playing with some friends. I’ve been playing ever since! I tend to favor ARAMs (and URF of course) for the low stakes, but I pride myself in some pretty decent support play in normals/ranked. I started as a Skarner jungle main Season 2, worked my way into the support role with Lulu in Season 3, then started maining Leona in Season 4. Here we are in Season 5 where I play whatever I have the most fun on! I’m a huge follower of the LCS and my favorite teams at the moment are CLG (if only they performed consistently), TSM, FNC, and UOL.

A little about me in general: I’m a 22 year old graduate of the University of Michigan where I studied Communications and Writing. I’m obviously into gaming, along with reading, social justice, anime, and of course spending way too much time on the internet. You can find me @sarahrybs on Twitter if you’re so inclined.

Thanks for stopping by, and please enjoy the Champion Tribunal!

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